Friday, November 30, 2007

I'm Dreaming of...

When I woke up this morning, all I could think about was snow. The kind of snow day when everything is covered in white and the world is so quiet. I've decided that my favourite feeling is the glee of walking into the living room in the morning and being surprised by an overnight snow storm. This might all have been brought on by Maureen's post about going grocery shopping in the snow listening to a CBC podcast. I do understand that most of my family members and friends would probably love to change places with me and spend the next few weeks in perfectly sunshiny 30 degree weather, but do don't realize how wonderful snow is until you've lived in countries without! I think that may be one of the biggest differences between Australians and Canadians: they have trouble imagining snow, we have trouble imagining life without it. I've decided to appease my longing for winter by going out and buying scissors and paper to cut snowflakes for my window. Pictures to come.

(The pictures are of storms in Nova Scotia at my grandmother's house)

Posted by Kathleen @ 7:58 PM

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Environment Canada just put out the forecast that this will be the coldest winter in 15 years. Probably plenty of snow, with the chapped lips, icy fingers, and wind-burnt noses to pay for it!

Posted by Blogger Carole @ November 30, 2007 at 10:13 PM #

It's funny, Kathleen. I read your post originally on Saturday or Sunday when our weather was horrible. It was all grey skies, biting wind, freezing rain, nasty all around and I was bitter that I lived in Canada.

But today walking outside was exactly as you described it: everything was muffled under the snow, people were all bundled up and we were in survival mode, helping each other over snow banks and across unplowed streets.

I guess it's worth it, after all. But I wouldn't mind a glance at the sun one of these days.

Posted by Blogger Maureen @ December 4, 2007 at 1:33 AM #
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